Helse & Fitness

Fodterapeut Nørrebro | Swandria's Mobil Fodbehandling

Astawanti.com tilbyder professionel fodpleje direkte til dit hjem i København og omegn. Med en personlig og fleksibel tilgang tilbyder Swandria Astawanti, en kvalificeret og erfaren fodterapeut, en bred vifte af behandlinger, herunder tånegleklipning, fjernelse af hård hud, behandling af neglesvamp, ligtorne, og indgroede negle. Alle instrumenter rengøres og steriliseres omhyggeligt for at sikre høj hygiejne og sikkerhed. Med nem online booking og hjemmeservice sparer kunderne tid og omkostninger forbundet med transport.

Swandria Astawanti has launched a ground-breaking mobile foot care service in Nørrebro. With a focus on personal care and flexibility, Swandria offers professional treatments directly in customers’ homes. This innovative approach has already won many hearts as customers can now enjoy expert care without leaving their comfort zone. With high hygiene standards and a wide range of treatments, from nail care to treating foot problems, Swandria sets a new standard for foot therapy in Copenhagen. Book an appointment easily online and experience the difference.

For more information, visit Swandria’s website.

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